Prospectus of 2015 Summer Class for International Students of Hohai University



一、课程说明 Description


1学习时间 Duration


July 20—Aug 14, 2015 for 4 weeks


From Mon. to Fri. 4 course hours per day

2课程内容 Course Description


The courses are for students who have learned basic Chinese but whose Chinese proficiency level is still poor. The courses will improve and enhance your Chinese level , meeting your daily needs.

Courses would be Comprehensive Chinese and Oral Chinese.

8:50-9:50 综合汉语 10:10-11:30 汉语口语


二、课程学费Tuition fee

200RMB for each person

Bring your student card to International Office 103

Registration deadline : 3rd July

                                                   International School 

12th June,2015 

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