发布时间: 2013-10-10 浏览次数: 674


1. 硕士研究生中的留学生申请学位时对其发表学术论文不做明确要求,但是鼓励在学期间发表高水平学术论文

2. 博士研究生中母语为非英语的留学生,申请学位时需满足以下条件:

1    申请理学、工学学科门类博士学位者,发表的学术论文应符合以下条件之一:有两篇学术论文被EI收录;有一篇学术论文被EI收录和2篇学术论文发表在中信所检索源学术期刊或国外学术期刊;有三篇学术论文发表在中信所检索源学术期刊或国外学术期刊上。

2    申请法学、管理学学科门类的博士学位者,发表的学术论文应符合以下条件之一:2篇学术论文被EI收录或发表在CSSCI检索源期刊上;1篇学术论文被EI收录和2篇学术论文发表在中文核心期刊或国外学术期刊;有一篇学术论文发表在CSSCI检索源期刊上和2篇学术论文发表在中文核心期刊或国外学术期刊。3篇学术论文发表在中文核心期刊或国外学术期刊上。



Supplementary Notice for Publishing Academic Papers by International Graduate Students

1. In spite of no explicit demand for academic papers’ publishing, international master degree candidates are expected to publish papers in the most famous academic publications.

2. All the international doctoral candidates who are not native English speakers should satisfy the following conditions when apply for degrees:

(1)    For students applying for doctor degree in science and engineering, the published academic papers should be one of the following:

a.       Two papers are included in Engineering Index (EI) 

b.       One paper is included in EI and two papers are published in Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (ISTIC) retrieval source academic journals or foreign academic journals

c.       Three papers are published in ISTIC retrieval source academic journals

(2)    For students applying for doctor degree in law and management, the published academic papers should be one of the following:

a.       Two papers are included in EI or published in Chinese Social Sciences Citation Index (CSSCI)

b.       One paper is included in EI and two papers are published in Chinese Core Journals or foreign academic journals

c.       One paper is published in CSSCI and two papers are published in Chinese Core Journals or foreign academic journals

d.       Three papers are published in Chinese Core Journals or foreign academic journals

Meanwhile, more high-level academic papers are encouraged and appreciated.